That was my thought at this speed dating game. Didn't involve any of the participants. Just the mood and vibe that I interpreted: Women who are trouble but loyal. Those are types you want to send when its time to stop Mr. Muburak. They got a plan to put you in your place. You know what, I love it. Pure American honesty at its finest in this dating scene. Certainly snapped me out a shell better than a rod or the hand. American women or the Statue of Liberty Devils?
Yeah, they may go into your finances, character, and your psyche. What is it that parents, coaches, teachers, and minister warned you about is that girl is "trouble" or too strong for you. Can they drink under you? sure. Possibly be a home-wrecker? Oh, yeah! Finally, lead men to the institution of many. You, better you bet. But when it comes to "war in terror", who do you want as lead Marc Wilson or Jim McMahon? I thought of that when a pious, American woman mentioned about events in Egypt when she looked at me. Another, who talked about the two young children killed in Gwinnett in a break-in (Check you in-laws before the outlaws)? Omg, Omg. I don't trust them when push comes to shove. Too, neurotic. I may end up getting shot.
In this dating scene, you don't have to worry about if I had children, she had children or about their race or culture. Even then, harshest ones. But then, they aren't married. LOL. Finding the right one? Throw me those Liberty Devils. They are honest when things get uptight. But eventually, some do find the right and change and forget about their "devil days." Remember, though, its Red, White, and Blue not Blue, White, and Red. Happy Valentines to you!